ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | Dana Dirksen | How were people saved before the coming of Christ? | Questions with Answers Vol. 3 | |
3. | Will McLoughlin | We Are Saved By Christ's Life | Will McLoughlin | |
4. | Cliffe Knechtle | Why are Christians only, interested in getting people saved?! | Why Are Christians only, interested in getting people saved?! | |
5. | Dr. Daniel L Akin | Will People Be Saved During The Great Tribulation? | Revelation: The Great Unveiling | |
6. | cofah | Wild and Unproven / Can White People be Saved? | The C.O.F.A.H. Network | |
7. | A. W. Tozer | The Second Coming of Christ | � 2003 WRT Books | |
8. | A.W. Tozer | The Second Coming of Christ | Titus Series | |
9. | Mike Woods | The Signs of the Second Coming of Christ | CBC Sermons 2008-12 | |
10. | Dr. Jim Bradford | This World and Christ's Coming | Spirit Shaped Joy: A Study in Philippians | |
11. | St. John's Lutheran Church, Oxnard, CA, Pastor Mark Beyer | Heads Up! Christ Is Coming! | Eternal Realities | |
12. | Dr. Jim Bradford | This World and Christ's Coming | Spirit Shaped Joy: A Study in Philippians | |
13. | Gary Sigler | T30-Coming Into Christ Consciousness | | |
14. | George Leon Pike Sr. | Christ Is Coming For His Bride | Sermons | |
15. | Robert McCollum | 1 Thess 4 v16-18 The Second Coming of Christ | Guest Speakers | |
16. | Carter Conlon | Deal with Sin, Christ is Coming | (C) 2010 Times Square Church | |
17. | S. Lewis Johnson | 05- The Coming and Kingdom of Jesus Christ | Death and Afterwards | |
18. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Chapter 44: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ | Gospel Principles | |
19. | Ron Lutjens | Knowing the Power of Christ's Second Coming | OOC Services 2009 | |
20. | Scott Puckett | CKC 20061224 - Christ Coming to Our World - Gal 4:4-7 | Christ Kingdom Church | |
21. | Call of Hope | Arabic: God's Promise about the First Coming of Christ - Part 2/2 | | |
22. | Call of Hope | Arabic: God's Promise about the First Coming of Christ - Part 1/2 | | |
23. | Call of Hope | Arabic: God's Promise about the First Coming of Christ - Part 1/2 | | |
24. | Call of Hope | Arabic: God's Promise about the First Coming of Christ - Part 2/2 | | |
25. | A.W. Tozer | The Personal Application of Christ's Coming Into the World | John | |
26. | Chopping Channel | We're Not Coming Back, People | World Radio World | |
27. | Andy Perry | People Get Ready - Jesus is Coming! | | |
28. | Charles Haddon Spurgeon | The Character of Christ's People | | |
29. | Gary Sigler | T33-The Revelation of Christ Within A People | | |
30. | Charles Haddon Spurgeon | Christ's Estimate of His People | | |