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 1. Dana Dirksen  How were people saved before the coming of Christ?  Questions with Answers Vol. 3 
 3. Will McLoughlin  We Are Saved By Christ's Life  Will McLoughlin 
 4. Cliffe Knechtle  Why are Christians only, interested in getting people saved?!  Why Are Christians only, interested in getting people saved?! 
 5. Dr. Daniel L Akin  Will People Be Saved During The Great Tribulation?  Revelation: The Great Unveiling 
 6. cofah  Wild and Unproven / Can White People be Saved?  The C.O.F.A.H. Network 
 7. A. W. Tozer  The Second Coming of Christ  � 2003 WRT Books 
 8. A.W. Tozer  The Second Coming of Christ  Titus Series 
 9. Mike Woods  The Signs of the Second Coming of Christ  CBC Sermons 2008-12 
 10. Dr. Jim Bradford  This World and Christ's Coming  Spirit Shaped Joy: A Study in Philippians 
 11. St. John's Lutheran Church, Oxnard, CA, Pastor Mark Beyer  Heads Up! Christ Is Coming!  Eternal Realities 
 12. Dr. Jim Bradford  This World and Christ's Coming  Spirit Shaped Joy: A Study in Philippians 
 13. Gary Sigler  T30-Coming Into Christ Consciousness   
 14. George Leon Pike Sr.  Christ Is Coming For His Bride  Sermons 
 15. Robert McCollum  1 Thess 4 v16-18 The Second Coming of Christ  Guest Speakers 
 16. Carter Conlon  Deal with Sin, Christ is Coming  (C) 2010 Times Square Church 
 17. S. Lewis Johnson  05- The Coming and Kingdom of Jesus Christ  Death and Afterwards 
 18. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  Chapter 44: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ  Gospel Principles 
 19. Ron Lutjens  Knowing the Power of Christ's Second Coming  OOC Services 2009 
 20. Scott Puckett  CKC 20061224 - Christ Coming to Our World - Gal 4:4-7  Christ Kingdom Church 
 21. Call of Hope  Arabic: God's Promise about the First Coming of Christ - Part 2/2   
 22. Call of Hope  Arabic: God's Promise about the First Coming of Christ - Part 1/2   
 23. Call of Hope  Arabic: God's Promise about the First Coming of Christ - Part 1/2   
 24. Call of Hope  Arabic: God's Promise about the First Coming of Christ - Part 2/2   
 25. A.W. Tozer  The Personal Application of Christ's Coming Into the World  John 
 26. Chopping Channel  We're Not Coming Back, People  World Radio World 
 27. Andy Perry  People Get Ready - Jesus is Coming!   
 28. Charles Haddon Spurgeon  The Character of Christ's People   
 29. Gary Sigler  T33-The Revelation of Christ Within A People   
 30. Charles Haddon Spurgeon  Christ's Estimate of His People   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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